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« The Hamdan Conviction: Bad Procedure | Main | Obama Criticizes Tinker's Ad »

August 07, 2008


Fred  Beloit

This statement: "That's what happens when the process you use isn't the process that's due (under US or international law) under the circumstances.", like the statement that Iraq is an illegal war, is simply untrue. Both were clearly approved and declared legal under U.S. law. The U.S. is not now and never has been bound to pass its legal processes before some international panel for approval. And may that day never come.

But it is a shame that this poor little guy, who bears a slight resemblance to Richard Pryor and who thought he was only driving a religious basketball player around, bless his heart, should be hounded like this, don't you think?


Irrespective of the wide range of issues here about unlawful detentions and interrogations, the verdicts and sentencing in this case strike me as basically reasonable. I'm not saying I'm comfortable with the overall process, but not everything about it looks corrupt to me.

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