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« Obama's So-Call "Cave" Shows Courage, Confidence, & Respect for Hillary's Supporters | Main | New Evidence re: Sen. Stevens Indictment »

August 17, 2008



Hi Deb!

Well now this makes complete since coming from Obama. He called anyone and everyone a racist who supported Hillary and if he didn't need all the racist delegates they would be uninvited too - I'm certain of it =}. So- Gen Wesley Clark isn't a delegate he has been tagged a racist along with Geraldine Farraro, Bill Clinton and 18,000,000 of Hillary's strongest supporters. I hope every one of the Independants who supported Clark see your post and vote for McCain.

Deb Cupples

HI Danny,

Did Clark, specifically, get labeled a racist? Or was it blanket guilt by association?


You know Barry is calling him a racist, if he supports Clinton and is uninvited to the DNC.

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