by Damozel | Let us begin with full disclosure. I have always till recently had a shameful soft spot for Chris Matthews. I like his big thatch-covered head and his little tweety voice. Till he was so horrid to Hillary I liked him for some of the things he does (for example, here) even while I deplored others. Olbermann---who was equally horrid to Hill-- I have always regarded as merely serviceable to progressives. I watch him when Jonathan Turley is on.
It was oddly satisfying to see Howard Wolfson---in the words of TIME---skewer both of them for their treatment of Hillary. I have reached the point where I hate all those guys, though I still feel occasional pangs of regret for Tweety. Even so....let them devour one another.
"I'm not gonna take any lectures on how to be a good Democrat from two people who spent the last two years relentlessly attacking Bill and Hillary Clinton everyday," Wolfson said on the air moments ago, when asked by the Fox anchor to respond to some criticism of Wolfson on MSNBC yesterday.
Wolfson's decision to unload on MSNBC was triggered by some particularly barbed comments about Wolfson from Olbermann and Matthews yesterday. Matthews slammed Wolfson as Fox's "little toy soldier," while Olbermann joked that Wolfson is Fox's "Tokyo Rose."
"I think it's unfortunate that a news organization with a great tradition like NBC has been taken over by those kind of antics," Wolfson said.
Shortly afterward, he added, "Nobody has spent more time over the last two years attacking Democrats than Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews, and I'm just not going to get lectured on how to be a good Democrat from them. (TPM)
Big Tent Democrat---a former Hillary supporter, as I was--- sees Tweety and Olbermann as I do: vloggers.
Here's what's weird to me - NBC pretends to have a news organization. Did Tweety and Olbermann just stop pretending yesterday? As a Democrat, I have always opposed Dems appearing on Fox. So I wish Wolfson would not appear on Fox. But Olbermann and Matthews are pretending to be journalists, not Democratic bloggers, aren't they? What are they doing commenting on how good a Democrat Howard Wolfson is? (Talk Left)
Here's the video:
Our Co-blogging Obama Delegate: Wish you were here!
Our Co-blogging Obama Delegate: Convention Day 2: Can I keep up this pace?
ABC: FDIC Says More Bank Troubles Ahead
My wife is a former legislative aide [to Sen. Sarbanes] & invited me to accompany her to a lunch while she worked as an account executive for a major PR firm in DC. Chris Matthews was at the lunch & at the time worked for Tip O'Neill---CM was a charming Irish sweetheart of a guy back then.
Unlike Tim Russert, who always kept his bearings in the maelstrom of DC political tides and currents, CMatthews sadly went south sometime during his Hardball years. I think he succumbed to a touch of BDS & went with the flow. Chris never had a college education & is an autodidact, unlike Russert.
Olberman is simply an obnoxious jerk, as the ENTIRE STAFF of ESPN can assure you. He routinely strains gnats and swallows camels in his support of the flavor of the month on the loony fringes of the left. His personal arrogance is legendary, and it is an ironic cautionary tale how a truly great human being like Russert can die before his time while reptiles like Olberman continue to prosper in the noxious political culture NBC is now becoming.
Matthews is sort of a Brett Favre of politics, the eternal 15-year old, but he's gone from journalism to advocacy in internal Dem politics---more because of expediency than consistency.
At least CM does give an occasional nod to McCain....
Posted by: daveinboca | August 28, 2008 at 01:19 AM
I thought Olbermann's "Tokyo Rose" comment was clever. Usually, he is to the Democrats what FoxNews is to the Republicans, way to bias. It was just a comment, these guy have a lot of air time to fill and they are going to have up and down moments. In the end, Wolfson is someone who deserves whatever he gets. Even Hillary's people were not crazy about him.
Posted by: vcsmith | August 28, 2008 at 07:35 AM