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« Our Liveblogging Florida Obama Delegate Reports on Her First Day in Denver | Main | A Fun Game: How Many Houses Does McCain Have? »

August 24, 2008



Both Biden and Clinton vociferously criticized Obama in the primaries (as should have been expected). Why would Obama pick Biden who can only deliver a few hundred thousand votes, when Clinton can deliver 18 million very enthusiastic votes?!? Obama did not vet Clinton or even consult her on the VP position. How else to interpret this other than that Obama has a personal antipathy for Hillary Clinton? But why would he not also hate Biden? The only conclusion can be that Obama is a narcissist. Despite that the logical and intelligent move would be to pick Hillary as VP, he shoots himself and the Democratic party in the foot to assuage his hurt feelings over Hillary's pushing him to the limit in the primaries.

Barack Obama is behaving like a child and will be spanked in the election for it...

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