Got the text message before getting on the plane to Denver this morning: Biden's the guy!
While en route to Denver on Frontier Airlines I watched Fox News TV on one of those cute little video screens in the back of the seat in front of me. Yes, I paid several dollars for the service but wanted to hear how the Media Mouthpiece of the Conservative Movement spins this. No worries, I had an airsick bag close at hand.
Since early this morning the right wing machine has been tying itself in knots trying to diminish Biden, discredit Obama and scare the American public into believing Armageddon is inevitable if the Democrats win the White House.
We can let them have their fun because they won't be able to take any wind out of our sails cuz we're fired up & ready to go!
u r doing a great job. i am so proud of what you are accomplishing! i hope i can help in the final stages! perrie
Posted by: perrie whitten | August 24, 2008 at 08:15 PM