USA Today reports:
"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Sunday ruled out a vote on new offshore oil drilling even as Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said he might be open to a compromise that included it."
"The scramble over expanded drilling off America's coasts — ammunition for a weekend of rat-a-tat-tat by the presidential campaigns — underscores the political power of $4-a-gallon gas. Though President Bush and other backers of new drilling acknowledge it wouldn't directly affect gas prices for years, they have pounded Democrats for opposing the measure, which is now supported by most Americans."
Kudos to Speaker Pelosi. Now, if we can just get her to put impeachment back on the table -- quickly.
Incidentally, it makes no sense: why do most Americans support offshore drilling if it won't affect gas prices for years and years (if ever)?
Between the oil-company-friendly politicians who don't mind misleading us ordinary folks and the media that lets them get away with it, I think many Americans are being fed bad information.
Memeorandum has commentary.
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