Unless you've been living in a cave you are at least somewhat aware that the Democratic National Convention will begin later this month (less than 13 days, but whose counting?). This is big stuff for us political junkies and even more so for me personally since I am a delegate to the convention pledged for Sen. Barack Obama.
With the public's enthusiasm level so high -at least for the Democrats - it seems only fair to find a way to allow others to vicariously enjoy this historic event. I've decided to do a video blog on my experience as a delegate. I will post something two or three more time between now and the Aug. 25th start of the convention, and then daily while at the convention.
This first post is short and gives a simplified answer the question I'm most frequently asked, "How does someone get to be a delegate?"
Congrats, WMD. Welcome in advance to the mile-high city. See you at Invesco! (assuming I get a ticket, that is)
Posted by: Adam | August 13, 2008 at 01:16 PM