by Teh Nutroots | If it's a trial balloon, shoot it down. I don't care what they did on The West Wing, YOU DON'T PICK A REPUBLICAN TO BE YOUR SUCCESSOR, and especially not that one. I'm sorry for the all caps, but I actually am shouting.
According to The Politico, the Caroline Kennedy/Eric Holder led committee has 'floated' her name to members of Congress. And they were 'surprised.' Why? 'The low-profile Republican was close to food and agriculture industries but clashed with farm-state Democrats and environmentalists during her tenure, which lasted from 2001 to 2004.' (The Politico)
I can only hope that when the Dems who were 'familiar with the conversations' tell The Politico that Democratic lawmakers were 'surprised,' they mean that they screamed, 'Are you crazy? Are you out of your effing mind?'
And in fact---reading between the lines---that's what they said:
[T]he mention of her name was met with incredulity on Capitol Hill.
"Are you serious?" one lawmaker asked vetters when Veneman's name came up, a second source familiar with the conversations said. (The Politico)
Why am I being so cruel to Veneman?
[S]he often clashed with Democrats on a central battle front of the Bush years: regulation. Veneman was criticized by some Democrats and environmentalists, and praised by agriculture and food interests, for lightly regulating the industries and for encouraging trade and biotechnology during her tenure.
When she resigned, the American Meat Institute praised her "vision and commitment." She also clashed with Democrats...over subsidies for small farmers, which they sought to expand (The Politico).
What's Obama playing at? Why does he think we'll put up with a Republican VP?
Oh, right. Because we have to.
It's kind of like how Cheney was Bush's insurance against impeachment.
Alex Koppelman says, with restraint I can't manage. I can barely keep from violating Damozel's and DC's rules against swearing.
Even given the political advantages to the pick, like the non-partisan message it would send and the appeal it might have for independents and women, it's still sort of hard to see this happening, given the Bush administration's unpopularity and what would almost certainly be a lot of displeasure on the Democratic side of things.
I don't believe in these 'political advantages.' I don't think people want someone who is going to compromise with the people who put us in this mess; I think they want someone who will get us out of the mess. Jesus.
Memeorandum is here.
McCain Thinks 16 Months Sounds Like a Plan
Alan Grayson: A Congressional Candidate Who Fights Against War Profiteering, For Accountability
Put Out (More Big Red) Flags!: The Right React to the Obama Speech
Performing Poodles Everywhere (World without Watchdogs)
Obama's Berlin Speech--A Bloggerama
The Daily Show on the Congressional Hearings: Let Us Relish This incredible Low Point in Democracy
I think this is being offered up in an effort to paint McCain in a corner. It's not real. I don't believe for a minute that Veneman is seriously being considered as VP.
Posted by: xensen | July 26, 2008 at 12:57 PM
More e-coli and salmonella in our food? That's the ticket!
Posted by: nene | July 26, 2008 at 02:10 PM
As I suspected, Obama really is a Republican. If it wasn't the FISA vote, it surely is this.
I wish he would make up his mind and quit flip-flopping as to what side he is on.
Hey, Donna B. - I thought a Dem was a shoo-in this year?
Posted by: Orange | July 27, 2008 at 11:51 PM