George W. Bush is still president; North Korea is downgraded to a slightly less menacing category; Obama talks intelligently about gas prices.
BONUS: I missed this one.'George Bush treats reality like it's out to get him.' The president's plan to prevent $4 gal. gasoline (hehehehehehe); Chuck Norris's scathing letter to Congress:
Shut Up Whining About the Imaginary Recession, You Whiners!
FISA: How They Voted and What it Means
Those 300 Economists Who 'Support' McCain's Economic Plan
McCain to Balance the Budget And Spin Gold Out of Manure
Spitefulness Towards Obama: Some Reflections
Tracking the Course of the Bush-Cheney Juggernaut As It Lurches Toward Iran
The Economy: There's Really Nothing Anyone Can Say
How Uninformed is John McCain About the Economy?
Chairman of Joint Chiefs Recommends a Cautious Approach in Iraq; Other Nations Try for Diplomatic Solutions