by Teh Nutroots |....then they can apologize to the 'Truth Commission' Taylor will set up and we can all move on.
Did I read this wrong? Nope: 'To get a full accounting of how U.S. interrogation methods were used, the president should give those accused of 'war crimes' a pass.' I get angry and then I start spluttering and foam flecks fly out my mouth. Instead of denouncing this tripe in coherent fashion, I point shaking fingers and make little squealing sounds.
Here's Brad at Sadly, No! with some graphic photos showing, if you've already forgotten, what makes a war crime a WAR CRIME.
[W]hat Stuart Taylor, Jr. is telling us is that government officials should simply be able to break And not just the laws against lying about blowjobs under oath — we’re talking about laws against goddamn torture. We’re talking about laws that for years have prohibited the government from performing cruel and heinous acts on prisoners. This is important shit. But to Stuart Taylor? Pfffffft, yeah it’s bad, but so what? We’ll only learn the truth about this stuff if we just pardon everyone beforehand....
Yeah, I’m sure Gonzo, Addington and Yoo will be totally willing to tell you the truth about everything if you just promise them that we’ll throw the whole concept of justice down the shitter just to keep them feeling comfortable....
Why do evil people like George W. Bush and Dick Cheney feel they can simply break the law with reckless abandon? Because they know that modern American political culture simply does not believe in accountability for its political class. They know that in the end, they’re part of the same Villager club of Special People who are too powerful and too privileged to ever face any consequences for their actions. Prosecute government officials for state-sanctioned torture?? How uncouth!...
The sad thing is: I know Obama will do exactly as Taylor recommends. Except he won’t even bother to set up the fucking bogus-assed truth commission. Just sweep this shit under the rug and enjoy his newfound powers to issue warrantless wiretaps and torture orders. Oh, and be sure to give special immunity to people like Nancy Pelosi and Jay Rockfeller, who should also be tossed in the Hague for being complicit in all this bullshit. This isn’t about partisanship, peeps — it’s about restricting the ability of our political class to behave in the most reckless and lawless ways imagineable. If we don’t want to degenerate into a damn banana republic, we have to demonstrate that we won’t let our most powerful politicians get away with breaking the laws they’ve sworn to uphold. Stuart Taylor, you can bite me. [READ IT ALL...]
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