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« Attention, 'McCain Democrats': Two Federal Court Detainee Decisions You Need to Check Out and an Alternative Candidate | Main | Stuart Taylor at Newsweek: 'We Must Pardon the Torture Sanctioners...' »

July 16, 2008



What couldn't you watch in that video?

I despise Bush and his black regime of torture, but suggesting that that bit of video is difficult to watch because it is torture completely undermines the credibility of those of us who think torture is wrong.

If you think that's bad, then you need to get out a bit more often.



I am going to be as civil as I can, but it's not easy.

First of all, the video on the BBC page that Damozel links to is NOT the complete video that was released. This one is:

If you don't find that video hard to watch, then you have lost a significant part of your humanity. If you ever had it, which I can't know, because I don't know you.

Second, Damozel did not say that what is happening in this video is torture. This is an interrogation, not torture. The torture happened before this video was made, and nobody saw it. You are seeing the results of the torture in Khadr's presentation on the video.

Among other things, Khadr was subjected to sleep deprivation as follows: He was moved back and forth between cells every three hours -- in other words, he was woken up every three hours and moved to another cell. And that was done round the clock for two weeks.For two weeks Khadr was woken from sleep every three hours and moved to another cell. Then, after that, he was put in deep solitary confinement for several weeks.

That is torture. And it's not the entirety of what was done to him.

Khadr was 15 years old when he was arrested and put into endless detention. There are no charges against him, he has never given his captors any useful information, and there is no end in sight to his detention.

At 15, Khadr should have been protected, not imprisoned, tortured, and interrogated. Everything this administration has done is a violation of international law, but this, arguably, is particularly heinous. He was a child when he was captured.

A 10th grader. A sophomore in high school. That was his age.

I kept involuntarily putting my daughter, who is 18 now, into that cell in place of Khadr. I saw her sitting where Khadr was sitting. I saw her rocking back and forth, covering her face, pulling at her hair, sobbing uncontrollably, saying "Kill me" over and over and over again. That's what he was saying -- not "Help me" as some viewers have translated it. He was saying, "Kill me."

I actually saw my daughter, in my mind's eye, sitting in that cell and doing all the things Khadr was doing.

It was devastating. That word isn't strong enough.

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