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July 05, 2008



Le Monde, as usual, seems a little hysterical.

If the Europeans, and especially the French, expect to see an American elected president who shares all of their opinions they are bound to be disappointed. That is not going to happen. Is that a deceit? I don't think so.

Maybe they hope the Democrats, as usual, will go down "clinging" to anti-death penalty and pro-gun control views. Do they want another suicide by the Democrats based on a couple of their principles? I'd rather win this time.

Perhaps they should step back a bit a take a look at the bigger picture. And perhaps they should also do something about their own problem of a huge, angry unassimilated Muslim minority. For all their alleged enlightenment, they remind me of the United State in 1955, except with a welfare state.

Al Fin

If you want the opinions of the Europe of the future, don't ask Frenchmen or Britons. As the new Muslim power brokers. The future of Europe does not lie with the mewling herd that are referred to as Euros.

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