by Damozel | Pelosi's leadership since 2008 as Speaker of the House is no profile in courage. (In addition to her having taken impeachment off the table, I certainly haven't forgotten these allegations [that she and certain other Dems condoned the CIA's interrogation program] or these allegations [re her switcheroo on : FISA.]) As far as I know, those smears on her escutcheon haven't yet been cleared up.
But--give credit where it's due--- with the election looming, she's starting finally to denounce the Bush administration the way it should have been denounced even before it became no longer possible to doubt its massive failures. Better late than never!
In addition to her recently calling Bush a total failure, she's calling out the Bush administration and Senate Republicans for our current lack of a reasonable energy policy. If you want to know why oil prices are high, she says -- see video at Crooks and Liars -- consider for a moment the two oil men in the White House.
SilentPatriot writes:
While it might be easy (and typically accurate) to blame everything on President Bush and Vice President Cheney, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to lay the current crisis at the White House’s doorstep. Sure, there are some uncontrollable market forces at work, but both Cheney and Bush are oil patch guys; it would be the height of naivete to assume that they would have an energy policy that didn’t benefit Big Oil.
From Day One, Dick Cheney was plotting how to take over Iraq oil fields. Before the war, it was obvious to everyone that the invasion or Iraq, and the instability it would caused in the region, would only drive prices up further. For all the lip service President Bush pays to his commitment to renewable energy, the fact is spending has been on the stagnant since the mid-1990’s.
So: qualified kudos to NP...
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