by Deb Cupples | The New York Times reports:
"President Bush agreed to 'a general time horizon' for withdrawing American troops in Iaq, the White House announced Friday, in a concession that reflected both progress in stabilizing Iraq and the depth of political opposition to an open-ended military presence in Iraq and at home.
"Mr. Bush, who has long derided timetables for troop withdrawals as dangerous, agreed to at least a notional one as part of the administration’s efforts to negotiate the terms for an American military presence in Iraq after a United Nations mandate expires at the end of the year."
A "notational" time line? Hmmm. And what does President Bush care about political opposition? He's been facing that for years, on numerous issues beyond the Iraq war. Opposition never seemed to affect his policy decisions. It's not as though he faces re-election -- and is he really the type to care about whether some of his fellow Republican politicians get re-elected?
Agance France-Presse also covered the story.