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July 26, 2008



bill is a dump ass. he just want attention but he is worthless


I am having a problem with the Klan
Here in Georgia and they just do what ever they want and flaunt it
I have reported it I have called these watchdog groups
I even called the justice department in DC cause my courts will not help
The lady in DC goes and says "how can we help you
you are in Georgia we are in DC You should call social services"..
The watchdog groups are watching what???
and our government is putting people in government that are more moronic than the last republicans
Yeah Obama (big republican pretending to be a democrat) he worked for the c
Klan sutter and hopkins (now Foley and Lardner) a southern law firm in DC who gained fame thru its cliental southern banks such as wachovia, suntrust etc, and one of its partners who was chief counsel of the Irs and with the treasury department and task force on organized crime
all under Nixon he even fed nixon info from the irs treasury and task force Nixons bug in the white house was this person
(find this info in a book called power to destroy by john andrews)
you'll find him The bug I call him in Brunswick Georgia with the rest of the civil war round table which he is a high member
glynn county and camden county Ga also atlanta then savannah Ga Jacksonville Fla
the klan is not slowly withering away it is alive and well here in Georgia's and floridas government (Florida is where a lot of confeds ran when the Yanks came, and then created there KKK) and its people
also members of our federal government
Why do you think you cannot get cases into court in a timely manner why do you think it takes so long and they only give a certain amount of time to get your case to them here read this Klan trick straight from our government
ATLANTA, GEORGIA, April 7, 2009 - The right to counsel - the most basic protection against unlawful imprisonment and the most fundamental constitutional right, upon which the enforcement of every other right in the criminal justice system depends - is being systematically denied to poor people accused of crimes in the five counties of the Northern Judicial Circuit of northeast Georgia.

Approximately 300 people are currently without lawyers to represent them after Mack Crawford, Director of the Georgia Public Defender Standards Council ("GPDSC"), in August of 2008, failed to renew contracts with three lawyers who were providing representation to defendants whose interests conflicted with those of defendants represented by the Northern Judicial Circuit public defender office.
The Klan motto which is adopted by our law enforcement and judicial system and politicians is
even if they did not do it get them just as long as you make the community feel safe thats what counts..
You know what this means right
This is the Klan showing off
America is no more

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