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July 10, 2008



Re Sullivan, I'm amazed, and appalled at myself for doing this before the primary season, at how much liberals pay attention to this guy. He has evolved on Iraq and other national security issues, but from his posts you realize he has a comic-book style hatred of liberalism and a wide streak of personal, visceral nastiness. He unleashed that on the fantasy liberal "5th column" of his imagination after 9/11, and he dumped it on HRC during the primary like he dumped it on her husband during the 90's. He also shares with the MSM their insatiable fascination with the surface personal BS of politics (hence his barely subdued love of Lord McCain the Maverick), a fascination that the MSM has followed to demonize Bill Clinton, Al Gore, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, and lately Barack Obama. After the primary, I resolved never to visit his site again or have anything to do with his shtick. When will we finally get the point about this guy?


Great idea in this video... I got it from obama, cool...



Great idea in this video... I got it from obama, cool...



Great idea in this video... I got it from obama, cool...


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