by Damozel | Via Digby, yet another tragic tale of death-by-tasering in circumstances in which the death penalty wouldn't have been an option if the offense were prosecuted.
Why aren't people up in arms about this? You don't have to believe that a tasering is torture to see that there is something wrong with the way they're being used---i.e., in situations where the police would not have been justified in using a weapon of any kind to subdue or control a person.
In fact, that seems to be the crux of the problem: they're being encouraged, or allowed, to use tasers to control suspects.
North Carolina has had quite a number of taser-related deaths.
Taser-related deaths across North Carolina prompted a coalition to study Taser use. The N.C. Taser Safety Project surveyed the state's 100 sheriff's offices and found that 70 issued Tasers to some or all of its deputies, but many agencies lack clear policies about when and how they should be used. (
In this instance, Anthony Davidson was trying to buy some groceries with a debit card. The debit card was declined. Ignoring the employees, he took the groceries anyway, but apparently left them behind in the parking lot. When the police caught up with him, he had an Applebee's gift card that hadn't been paid for, so they arrested him and took him down to the station.
While he was being booked, he 'became “physically aggressive and was communicating loudly,” Anderson said. That's when officers used one or more Tasers to get him “back under control,” police said.' (
The man died as a result.
A nurse who screened Davidson afterward told officers he needed further medical screening because he appeared to be “under the influence of some type of impairing substance.”
Paramedics took Davidson to the hospital Saturday. His condition continued to decline and he was unresponsive when he arrived, Anderson said. He was admitted to intensive care and was taken off life support about 10:30 p.m. Sunday.(
He had a record, which will make cause people consider his life of little to no value.
Davidson, who was unemployed, had been in jail previously – mostly on charges such as possessing marijuana, simple assault and misdemeanor larceny, all of which were dropped by a district attorney, according to court documents. In 1999 and again in 2000, he was found guilty of violating a domestic violence protective order. In 2006, he pleaded guilty to driving while impaired, documents show.
Davidson's family said they weren't aware of him using or having a problem with drugs or alcohol.(
Even so, his family were fond of him.
“He was a very happy, joyful person – the life of the party type of person who lit up a room when he walked in,” said his uncle, Jerry Moore. “Whether he used or had used substances, we don't know.”(
I would like to point out that the situation described here does not rise to one in which the police seem to have been in any imminent danger of bodily harm. They used the taser to control him, and used it multiple times.
You want to know what evil is? Killing someone for stealing a gift card by shocking him multiple times in order to control him. If they'd shot him or beaten him with night sticks, he wouldn't be any deader than he is now.
Don't anyone dare comment on my blog that this man 'deserved' it. Nobody deserves to die for stealing an Applebee's gift card.
If you can't get your head around that, imagine if it had been your white teen-aged daughter, son, or relative who had taken the card and become agitated while being booked. Does it still sound like a death penalty case to you?
And, as Digby points out, the article contains a reference to an equally disturbing earlier case.
Last month, the officer involved in the Charlotte Taser incident was cleared of criminal charges but was suspended for five days for violating the department's policy when he continuously shocked Darryl Turner for 37 seconds, a factor that contributed to his death.
That's a hell of a deterrent, suspending the man for five days. I'm sure next time the cops will think really carefully before they taser someone for half a minute.
Digby says:
The fact that the police are torturing citizens (not just "suspects") to control them isn't even a matter for comment. I just don't get it. (emphasis added)
At Crooks and Liars, John Amato says:
What would you call it when a person was juiced for 37 seconds?
One word comes to mind and I think it would put a smile on John Yoo’s face.
Jonathan Turley: Two More Questionable Taserings
Police Taser a Blind Diabetic Women with Cancer 'to Facilitate Cuffing'
Man Tasered To Death in Vancouver B.C. Airport
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