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June 20, 2008



"better than McCain"?!

That is the sound of a sickening thud alright. IF that is all you got for Obama - better to send a message to the DNC that we are not going to play their games anymore. We are not going to reward Obama or the DNC for cheating America out of the best candidate for the Presidency since I don't know when. We lost the brightest, most amazing woman to this crack smoking idiot from Chicago.

No stank you!


"better than McCain"?!

That is the sound of a sickening thud alright. IF that is all you got for Obama - better to send a message to the DNC that we are not going to play their games anymore. We are not going to reward Obama or the DNC for cheating America out of the best candidate for the Presidency since I don't know when. We lost the brightest, most amazing woman to this crack smoking idiot from Chicago.

No stank you!

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