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« Video: The DNC Meeting at Which Florida's Delegates Were Stripped | Main | Teacher Bruised for Chanting "Denver" at DNC Meeting »

June 01, 2008



Are we watching two realities because the crowd was obnoxious when pro-Clinton and pro-Obama representatives spoke.

Watching the RBC hearing re-affirms why I hate the Big 2 political parties. Rules and regulations? Bah! Give and take? Whatever! Party unity? Whatcha talking 'bout! 50 states doing whatever they want to do whenever they want to do is the problem. Plain and simple.

The Clinton and Obama campaigns are full of fresh manure. If you place beating McCain above all else, Clinton and Obama would meet, talk, and work this out. Instead, the two lawyers and their campaigns (along with the DNC and superdelegates) are playing "Let's Out Jerk One Another".


Deb Cupples

HI T-Steel,

How are you? I saw the hearing only from 11 - 2 (or so). During that time, Obama supporters were definitely dominant sound-wise.

I caught a video of Ickes speaking toward the end, and Hillary supporters were being louder.

I'm nost sure what you mean when saying "50 states doing whatever they want to do whenever they want to do is the problem. Plain and simple."

david stewart

Counting half of this and half of that. In the end Hillary will have the most popular votes. And in the last batch of primaries, since Penn. Hillary has swamped the Obama camp with over 56% of the vote. If we had a Prime Minister system, Hillary could be nominated by the Libertarians and cake walk into the Whitehouse


Yes I should clarify my "50 states doing whatever they want to do whenever they want to do is the problem. Plain and simple" statement.

What I mean is that all the states can run their primaries however way they choose. But if you look at the GE, we all vote the same: one big primary. If all states had primaries ran the same way (with certain small changes do to local conditions), we wouldn't be in this mess. The DNC and state Democrats has caused this complete mess. Where's the consistency? Where's the order? I like Obama and Clinton ALOT. Unfortunately a rift has developed where the vitriol being spit back and forth between Obama and Clinton supporters is sick and depressing.

Now No Quarter is bragging about a Michelle Obama "whitey" video that will surface on Monday. And commenters are gleefully awaiting this rumored tape to "destroy Obama once and for all" (as a commenter said). Yikes! And the Obama supporters are calling Clinton horrific things in anticipation of said tape. Terrible...


I do not support Obama and never have, but I am alarmed to see racist headlines on blog posts about him.


I do not support Obama and never have, but I am alarmed to see racist headlines on blog posts about him.


I do not support Obama and never have, but I am alarmed to see racist headlines on blog posts about him.


I do not support Obama and never have, but I am alarmed to see racist headlines on blog posts about him.


Take it from a black american, the racism is like 90% from the osama worshppers.

McCain 2008 !!!

Never Obama, never it doesn't matter what Hillary says. We moderate dems will never vote communist, ever. She better stay as far away from this dude as possible, because he is going down in history just like Nelson Mandela, the very on to ruin his own country.

Deb Cupples

I got ONE nasty, expressly racist comment at BN-Politics last week. After picking my jaw up off the floor, I deleted it.

I wish people wouldn't bring race into this. That's NOT why many people dislike him, anyway.

Deb Cupples


I don't understand why Hillary is getting blamed for the so-called "Whitey tape." Republicans are the ones who claim to have it.

Of course, we don't really even know if it exists.

Deb Cupples

HI David,

Unfortunately, we have the system we have. Hillary's only chance is to persuade enough superdels to commit (or switch to) her.

I'm just glad that the superdels will likely be in the awkward position of having to weigh Obama's earlier wins (including many caucus states) against Hillary's larger popular-vote count and larger-state victories.

Deb Cupples


Now I get what you're saying. Yes, the DNC and state Dems certainly did put us into this mess (except in FL, where it was FL's Republicans and the DNC).

I'm a staunch Hillary supporter, but I don't insult Obama or even those of his supporters that take a hostile tone.

Like you, I believe in disagreeing as civilly as possible.


Yay! Someone finally pointed out the blatantly obvious! I'm currently 4 hours (by plane) south of Fl, I've been here since last year, and I get CNN. I knew all about Obama, and there is this new thing called the internet. That thing that Mr. Undecided pointed people to in all his preaches to figure out what his actual positions on anything actually might be. I seem to recall that he was the only one to have aired an ad in FL. So he breaks the rules and gets rewarded?

Why didn't anyone call him on the fact that while he was all mopey and whiny about not being on the MI ballot, it was because he deliberately chose to take his name off? Not, as he seemed to be implying, that he was being victimized?

I'm from MI, so I was really quite pissed at the outcome. Why does no one come out and say that this is precisely the type of "dirty chicago style" politics, that Mr. Changey Hope is ostensibly rejecting, while coating himself with it at every point?

The last time people were this delusional over someone, we got W and all his attendant idiocies.

Buck Naked Politics


I've written about it repeatedly and have also drawn the W parallel.

It's not that I think Obama's policies are necessarily like W's. Frankly, I don't know much about Obama's policy stances, because he SAYS a lot but has a very scant record. Some of his words have proven to be misleading if not false.

I do find Obama's way of dealing with the public (and his opponents) to be very similar to W's.

I know that I've complained a lot about Florida, but you Michigan people were shafted in a worse way.

Now, some Obama supporters on the blogosphere are awfully touchy about anyone's saying the least critical thing about "their" nominee.

That too reminds me of the post-9/11 and pre-Katrina days when W's supporters would shriek at anyone who dared criticize "their" guy.

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