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June 03, 2008



I like the fact that these animals appear to be in a natural habitat. I hate when people cage animals. Very nice pictures.


I like the fact that these animals appear to be in a natural habitat. I hate when people cage animals. Very nice pictures.

Chelle Y.

I love the zoo! My son's favorite is the zebra, and mine is the tigers.


These are all great shots, and I agree that it is nice to see them not caged up.

Happy TT!!!


I love zoos, but haven't been to one in a while. Thanks for reminding me that they are great places to visit.


Oh I love the zoo! We bought season passes this year. Can't wait to go again. My oldest loves tigers. My younger son loves the bears and my daughter loves the fishies. :)

On a Limb with Claudia

Great photos! I do love seeing the animals. We have a zoo right next to our house so we go every once and a while. We see it's back side almost every day.

Happy TT

SJ Reidhead

My constant rhetorical question: Why are we always fascinated with zoo photos and always take a camera when we go?

The Pink Flamingo

I don't mind admitting I shot about a hundred or so images of the pandas visiting Memphis.


These are wonderful. I love the penguins!

Nicole Austin

Great pictures! I wanted to visit the Bronx Zoo last time were went to NYC but got out voted in favor of Coney Island.


Fun TT!!! I'm a huge animal lover. My favorite is the penguins. So cute. I'm actually going to the Detroit Zoo next week. fun!!



Beautiful photos.


Great thirteen! I just love the zoo. Those pictures are all great--especially the monkey ones and the rhinos! So cute :)

Happy TT!

Homemaking Mama

Great pics! Happy T13!


What, no otters? (*pout*)

Adelle Laudan

It's been far too long since I've been to a zoo. Thanks for sharing. Happy T13!


Lovely photographs. Happy TT.

Alice Audrey

Great pictures. Yeah, that tiger looks like he's licking a rock.

My permalink would be here:


hahahah I was totally hoping to come by and read some politics ;-) Lovely shots, the first one cracked me up.


What great shots. I havent been to the zoo in years. Happy TT:)

marcia @ joyismygoal oh I want to go i love zoos


Great shots. We do not have polar bears in our zoo anymore. I love them!

Wylie Kinson

Love the zoo pics. I used to work in a zoo -- small and quaint and seriously lacking in exotic species! - but fun none-the-less.


I love zoos! Thanks for the virtual trip to the zoo!

Susan Helene Gottfried

I've been itching to go back to our zoo. I love spending the day there and checking out the animals.

Looks like you had two good adventures.

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