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June 12, 2008



its easy to when they have no conflict of interest and dont have to recuse themselves from the bench when it invlove business


"I have some news that I wanted you to hear."

That is how the e-mail from David the race baiter Obama-Ploueffe starts out. He now has in his little stolen hands the e-mail address's and base of the DNC. He goes on...

"People like you have been the heart of Chairman Howard Dean's 50-state strategy to rebuild our party and empower Democrats to compete everywhere."

Well I didn't even read this far into the e-mail from him before I wrote back and then un-subscribed with comments!

So if you get one of these letters from the "DNC" don't forget what the rules and bylaws committee did to Hillary and if you want to send them a message they will fear as much as I do an Obama Presidency click Unsubscribe and comment away.

But wait they don't let you go that easy you have to get an e-mail from them with a code number to unsubscribe. My number was 1736 I wonder if that is how many people unsubscribed today?

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