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June 05, 2008



I'm thinking that Obama did give Rezko kickbacks from his IL Senate office in the way of attention and access (and more will be revealed).

Hillary is doing the Democratic Party a big service by not dropping out but only suspending her campaign. Obama in my opinion will never be President - SO in the event that the Obama's have bigger trouble brewing under the surface than we can see at this point, Hillary will be able to step right back in to become the nominee.

"You may say I'm only a dreamer - but I'm not the only one."


I'm thinking that Obama did give Rezko kickbacks from his IL Senate office in the way of attention and access (and more will be revealed).

Hillary is doing the Democratic Party a big service by not dropping out but only suspending her campaign. Obama in my opinion will never be President - SO in the event that the Obama's have bigger trouble brewing under the surface than we can see at this point, Hillary will be able to step right back in to become the nominee.

"You may say I'm only a dreamer - but I'm not the only one."


huh - computer qlitch above.

Buck Naked Politics


I suspect you're right about access. Most politicians claim that thousands in campaign funds don't buy favors but most admit that they buy access.


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