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« Obama Issues Statement in Support of FISA 'Compromise' | Main | Bloggers Consider Obama's Failure to Take a Stand Against FISA »

June 20, 2008



I'm a republican, and I'm not moaning. He had all that money staring him in the face, he'd be foolish to not take that route. I see nothing wrong with a politician changing his mind, so long as he does it for the right reasons. It shows character. The same way McCain changed his mind about drilling for oil. Agree or disagree, smart people change their minds.

Linda C.

I am not sure he did it for the "right reasons", but decided to blame John McCain anyway.


"I feel I have standing to purse my lips in mild disappoval over his reneging on this scale."

Hillary supporters are now supporting Barack Obama there will be no one to hold this man accountable. I mean look he's ready to give telecom immunity and it seems and the best we get is - "my lips are pursed and MILD disapproval"



Here's a 'twist':

One thing about accepting public financing is that after you are elected the people of the country can be assured that you are a President with an obligation to ALL its citizens.

But, if you don't accept public financing like Barack...well, I guess that makes it easier to say later 'that you represent the people who elected you'.

So, what happens to the rest of us?

We need to think about this.

Obama's got an attitude and this is 'all the more reason to vote for John McCain'!

Check this website out for more information on Barack Obama:


Here's a 'twist':

One thing about accepting public financing is that after you are elected the people of the country can be assured that you are a President with an obligation to ALL its citizens.

But, if you don't accept public financing like Barack...well, I guess that makes it easier to say later 'that you represent the people who elected you'.

So, what happens to the rest of us?

We need to think about this.

Obama's got an attitude and this is 'all the more reason to vote for John McCain'!

Check this website out for more information on Barack Obama:

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