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June 16, 2008



Yes I feel that MSNBC and NBC as well as ABC and CBS not to mention CNN and there are others - They all collectively pissed all over Hillary and her surrogates and supporters.

You want to hear something in the "game changing era" I now watch and listen to FOX more than any other channel and I haven't watched FOX for five years. WEIRD. But as of now I barely watch CNN and WILL NOT even contemplate MSNBC - I dislike everything they did in choosing to PUSH OBAMA on this nation. MSNBC said that FOX pushed Bush on us and made it clear that was there intention to gain conservative viewers. Now MSNBC has done the same thing to get viewers of Obama supporters. Someone should have told MSNBC they don't watch politics on tv. But Hillary supporters do. Dumb bastards.

I really like what you wrote "But it's not just me. Despite what Frank Rich, who doesn't know a thing about it, would have you believe, the anger of many of Hillary's supporters still burns with the fury of a million white-hot suns. There are some media figures who seem to think they can put out the blaze by pissing on us.

They're wrong."!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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