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June 22, 2008



Watching that segment, it's not as though Olbermann is giving Obama a free pass. He describes his position as "confusing". Your paraphrasing doesn't at all match the overall tone of the discussion. I wouldn't describe it as a hope-fest. It's more of an exploration of what possible options may remain to go after the telecoms, assuming this crappy bill gets passed.

I have my own thoughts on Obama and FISA, which I may post about in the next few days.


Hi Adam,

I hope you do post (even if you disagree with me).

I watched the segment twice. Olbermann DID say it's "confusing": just before launching into charitable speculations about how Obama may have supported Telecom Amnesty with a plan in mind that we progressives would approve of.

Olbermann also fails to state the factual basis for his speculations.

I find it odd that Olbermann could lurch at Hillary's throat over the misconstrued RFK comments or the unquestioned, Drudge-provided info on muslim garb) -- yet now he's being so careful re: Obama's FISA failure, despite Olbermann's passionate distaste for FISA/Amnesty.

Of course, Olbermann might change his tune after the Senate vote, but I doubt it, because I sense that dogs and ponies are being rounded up and groomed by congressional Dems.

My speculations: 1) Obama will make a show of opposing Amnesty provisions and fail; or 2) Obama will make a show of opposing Amnesty provisions and "succeed."

I put "succeed" in quotes, because there are (currently) more powerful senators who can make better efforts at gumming up the Amnesty works (like Leahy, Reid and Specter -- especially if they work in concert).

Bottom line (sans euphemisms): the best way for Obama to have actually fought Telecom Amnesty would have been to publicly speak out against it BEFORE the House voted.

He chose to not do so, and there's no erasing that fact.


There certainly isn't. I *do not* excuse Obama's failure to act here.

If I post, it will not be really an impassioned defense of Obama's actions on FISA. It will be closer to, "why Obama's actions (or inaction) on FISA bother me much more than the other stuff you've complained about over the last several months". I need a decent bit of background to explain that, which is why it probably merits a whole post.

The only open question that impacts whether FISA passes in its current form is whether or not Dodd, Feingold, & company will mount an effort to filibuster. Getting 51 votes to strip immunity is a nonstarter - there's no way senators like Rockefeller or Lieberman are going to support that. On the other hand, getting 41 votes to force the bill back to conference committee is on the outside edge of possibility.



I know that YOU DON'T excuse Obama.

I think Olbermann was leaning toward excusing him. :)


While at lunch, I was eating a bean burrito from Taco Bell and reading one of George Orwell's essays on Nationalism. Since I am a slow reader and my lunch was short, I didn't get very far into it, but Orwell's critique of certain elements of the leftist press in the 1940's fit so cleanly into Olbermann's behavior. It is bizarre that Olby quotes Orwell.

Orwell described the villification, the rationalization of ones own side even when it conflicts with itself. He wasn't arguing that this is a trait of just the left, but of any group that is overly self-righteous



You make a good point. We saw the excuses between 9/11 and hurricane Katrina (a period when it was unacceptable to publicly criticize our nation's chief politician).

And we're seeing some of that now re: the Democrats' chief politician. Hmmm.

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