by Damozel | I can't help giggling over the dilemma of poor John McCain, who is desperately trying to distance himself from Obama.. Via The Hill, McCain said in re: the Supreme Court's decision striking down the DC handgun ban:
Unlike the elitist view that believes Americans cling to guns out of bitterness, today's ruling recognizes that gun ownership is a fundamental right -- sacred, just as the right to free speech and assembly.
As Todd Beeton says at My DD: 'Throwing at wall. Not sticking.' Sadly for McCain, Obama supports the decision in Heller.
Beeton tells it better than I could.
By agreeing with McCain, Obama takes gun control off the table as a wedge issue and leaves McCain with very little to point to distinguishing between their positions.
So he went with this:
McCain also pointed out that his Democratic rival did not join him in signing an amicus brief in the case.
Ahh, the old signed the amicus brief trick. I'm sure that will take off like wildfire.
Hee! Beeton is as concerned about this precedent as I am, but as he says, you've got to pick your battles. Obama is certainly narrowing the range of issues on which the GOP could attack him, isn't he? And wailing and gnashing of teeth by disappointed progressives aren't going to change anything because: presumptive nominee.
McCain might well be concerned about the alleged emergence of 'the Obamacon' if Obama keeps carrying on like this:
Greenwald Takes Olbermann's Defense of Obama & FISA into a Back Room; Only Greenwald Comes Out
Obama Weighs in Again on Telecom Amnesty...
Barack Obama's chief bootlicker, Keith Olbermann, just proclaimed Justice Scalia to be the Worst Person of the Day. Since Keith's diety affirms Scalia's decision, shouldn't Obama have been in the running?
Posted by: DougEFresh | June 26, 2008 at 09:04 PM