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« Further Proof that the Obama Campaign Needs to Grow Up | Main | Campaign Official Thinks Obama Got "F*cked" in Florida? »

June 13, 2008



It is the mean streak of a bully that confounds me. The willingness to hit below the belt, to stab in the back, to wage preemptive war that makes my blood boil. I can barely stand it that these attitudes have been given credence as patriotic.

But now the lines are becoming clear. We are going to have to stand up and confute these attitudes at every juncture.

The republicans are finally finding their voice and it's the one that won for Bush.

The point by Avedon Carol is well taken. Blogging wont be enough. We are going to have to take to the streets until we win this time.


Oh good grief. The Supreme Court upheld the law of the land. I understand some of the detainees may be dangerous terrorists.

We managed to prosecute the Nazis without breaking the law and violating the Constitution.

What is it about that people don't get?


Oh good grief. The Supreme Court upheld the law of the land. I understand some of the detainees may be dangerous terrorists.

We managed to prosecute the Nazis without breaking the law and violating the Constitution.

What is it about that people don't get?


Oh good grief. The Supreme Court upheld the law of the land. I understand some of the detainees may be dangerous terrorists.

We managed to prosecute the Nazis without breaking the law and violating the Constitution.

What is it about that people don't get?

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