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June 04, 2008



i just wonder who is writing this book

Deb Cupples

Raw Dawg,

Explain please. You don't understand who's writing what book?


That is if you give him all the uncommitted voters of MI at a 1/2 vote each. And 1/2 vote each of the Florida's votes.

Stolen elections have to stop. OUR VOTES DO COUNT!


You broke the rules. There has to be consequences for breaking rules or why have any. This will be an interesting election season won't it?

Deb Cupples


I suspect that you're kidding, but I'm lost. How did I break the rules?


Actually, no he did not get the "magic" number. 2118 is for PLEDGED delegates only. Sorry, Obama, you are NOT the nominee. Even when Hillary bows out on Saturday, you will not be the nominee until the Convention says so.

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