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« A Tribute to Senator Chris Dodd & 15 Who Stood Up for the Constitution in the Crucial Vote on Cloture | Main | Obama 'versus' McCain on the Supreme Court's Second Amendment Decision »

June 26, 2008



For the sake of completeness, let's note that Greenwald's post speaks more broadly to the fact that Obama is clearly the better candidate by a long shot, even if he takes stands on certain issues that mr. Greenwald strongly disagrees with. He also quotes John Cole speaking to this same point.

And here's Olbermann's (sporadically tangential) response to the post:

industrial shredder

According to the investigations Andersen partner David Duncan allegedly headed an effort to destroy documents related to Enron after learning the Securities and Exchange Commission had requested financial records from the company.

Paper Shredder Price

In a civil case, a judge can allow the jury to question a document-destroying party’s intentions. For example, judges in certain cases will tell jurors they should assume missing documents are harmful simply because they were destroyed–even if they never see the contents.

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