by Damozel | This is a crucial post from Crooks and Liars for disillusioned Dems (like me) and for anyone, anywhere who has considered voting for McCain (unlike me). It's extracted from Steve Benen's June 19 post at The Carpetbagger Report, which I linked at the time. But let's just review:
[B]ack in 1999, McCain was walking a tightrope by calling himself pro-life on a personal level while at the same time assuring pro-choice voters for pragmatic reasons that “in the short term, or even the long term, I would not support repeal of Roe v. Wade.”
"Yet, today, McCain says bluntly right on his website that “John McCain believes Roe v. Wade is a flawed decision that must be overturned.”
- McCain was against the repeal of Roe v. Wade before he was for it.
- McCain was against torture before he was for it. Really for it.
- McCain was against crazy right-wing preachers like Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson before he was for them.
- McCain was against Bush’s tax cuts for the wealthy before he was for them.
- McCain was against shady Bush “Pioneer” Texas billionaire swift-boat financiers before he was for them.
- McCain was for the McCain-Feingold campaign finance law before he was against it and began breaking it.
- McCain was against Grover Norquist, whom he called “corrupt, a shill for dictators“ before he was for him.
- McCain was against BJU because of its “hateful,” “racist and cruel” policies before he was for it.
- McCain was against ethanol before he was for ethanol and then he was against it again.
- McCain was against a Martin Luther King holiday before he was for it. …
And that’s not all. There’s many many more. In fact, here’s an even longer list. McCain has reversed his former positions to fall more in line with the Bush administration so many times now it’s really hard to tell Bush and McCain apart (Crooks and Liars)
The Dread 'Move to the Center' Playing Out in Obama's Campaign
Olbermann's O-Reilly-ish Stance on FISA: Greenwald Delivers Knock-Out Punch
Bush Administration's Covert Actions re: IranMcCain Wants Tax Cuts -- for Himself
Chuck Hagel on McCain & Some Reflections About the Republican Party
Why Bill ---and Certain Hillary Supporters --- Should Let Hillary Drive the Car
The Long-Awaited Unity Event: 'We Are One Party'
Greenwald Takes Olbermann's Defense of the new FISA Bill into a Back Room; Only Greenwald Comes Out
maybe John has more flip-flops to record because he has been in the public eye for so much longer.Obama sure seems to be catching up, though only on little things like election finance, freedom of speech, and the right to privacy...So call me crazy but if I'm going to have another crappy president, let it be a Repub, I fear totalitarianism from the democrats even more!
Posted by: lanikai | June 30, 2008 at 12:09 PM