by Deb Cupples | Since at least March, rancor has grown among ordinary Democrats who don't appreciate the tactics that certain high-level DNC leaders (e.g., Howard Dean and Donna Brazile) have employed during the nominating process -- tactics soundly evincing that ordinary voters' votes don't matter to DNC "leadership." We've covered it , as have No Quarter, Taylor Marsh and many other blogs.
Among those odious tactics were the DNC's stripping of 100% of Florida's and Michigan's delegates, though more than 2 million people voted in those states' primaries. The DNC has a chance to rectify this on May 31, when it will hear appeals from Florida and Michigan.
Below is a well worded plea to the DNC -- which also warns of dire consequences for the Democratic Party if the DNC continues to insist on disenfranchising Florida's and Michigan's Democratic voters. Hats off to the man in the video (via No Quarter), who accurately captures the sentiment of many ordinary Democrats.
You betcha! If the DNC refuses to count Florida and Michigan - after four other states (Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada) - also broke the rules, then I am leaving the Democratic party and voting Republican. No question.
Posted by: Jd | May 17, 2008 at 12:13 PM
Myself, I'll have trouble voting for many Republican candidates, BUT I'll have no trouble refusing to donate to the Dems and not trouble registering as an Independent.
Posted by: D. Cupples | May 17, 2008 at 02:21 PM
What is the new B.S. I hear on the corporate news channels about Obama having the delegates to win on May 20/21?? More of the same cheerleading I assume?!
I'm going to write in Hillary and no one will be able to change my vote if they don't count MI and FL as is. I'm out of the Democratic party and they can have a losing rock star. I might even vote for McCain I'm that pissed at Obama surrogate and corporate media whores.
Posted by: Danny | May 18, 2008 at 09:56 PM
Hi Danny,
I'm scared to death of McCain's economic policies. At the same time, I think the Dems will have a big enough majority in Congress to keep McCain in check once he's in the White House.
I'm not sure what I will do come November.
Posted by: D. Cupples | May 19, 2008 at 01:39 PM