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May 30, 2008



I know he's not your fave, but Olbermann's ~33 minute interview is really good. They cover a lot of good material, and there's no mention of Obama until the last 30 seconds, honest.

He asks McClellan point blank about the delay in releasing the book, and throws the Richard Clarke comments back at him. His answer is pretty long, but boils down to "I needed a lot of time to reflect before I was ready, and the book took a long time to write."

As annoyed as I may be at McClellan, I'm going to stop attacking the whistleblower, because this book may do a lot of good.

Deb Cupples

I agree: the book will likely do a lot of good.


(typo alert: Val*e*rie)

Deb Cupples


Thanks for the typo alert. How are you? And don't I deserve a hello?

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