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« Obama wins Guam's Caucus by 7 votes | Main | Is the Bush Administration Planning an Attack Inside Iran's Borders? »

May 04, 2008



Explain this to me; why is being "frustrated" and "angry" means you can't take the heat? Apparently he can take the heat because he is sticking it out. He is human and unless your a cold killer or heartless bastard, your going to feel. I've heard Senator Clinton say that she's frustrated but she keeps moving along. Just like Senator Obama is doing.

Look, I'm not here to steer people to a particular candidate. I see two mentally strong candidates in Clinton and Obama. They both have to be due to the historic nature of their campaigns.

And a train wreck campaign would mean Obama should lose the remaining contests. He won't lose them all. He will win some and lose some. Enough!


I agree with T-Steel above: I don't think you're being entirely fair. What did you say when Clinton broke down? Both candidates are frustrated and tired. When Clinton's voice cracked that one time, did you call for her to drop out of the race then?

D. Cupples


How've you been?!!!!

I don't think Teh Nutroots is actually calling for Obama to drop out. Knowing him as I do, I think he was sarcastically saying, "Hey, grow a tougher skin, it's only going to get worse if you get the nomination."

How could anyone urge Obama to drop out when he's ahead?

As for Hillary, she didn't "break down." She (and Bill) have noticed (as we all have) that many MSM outlets favored Obama for months in the sense that they highlighted his positives and Hillary's negatives, while refusing to highlight Obama's negatives.

But Hillary kept on (as Obama has). And Hillary keeps pointing out that the weird negativity is just part of the process of running for the highest elected office in the land. Water and the duck's back.


Nutroots is not actually calling for Obama to drop out. He's just found a snarky way to say, "Hey, toughen up, like Hillary has had to do."

The important thing, of course, is that whoever wins the nomination, we should make sure that McCain doesn't get in: his new love for Bush's corporate tax cuts is reason enough for me.

Frankly, I think the only chance either Dem has to beat McCain is a joint ticket (whoever is on top). I know that Pelosi disagrees, but she hasn't yet proffered a solid or logical reason for feeling that way. She's just playing the vague pundit.

Lastly, I think that both Obama and Hillary are pros: I suspect that they still like each other personally (Hillary & Bill did support Obama's U.S. Senate run), and I suspect that O and H know that the current theatrics are not personal.

I could be wrong, of course, but that's my take.

LaTanaya White

Poor Obama and his "boys". Still blameing Bush for Obama's inablitiy to be responsible for all the crap that is happening out there. Poor Obama.... maybe he should go back to Chicago and hang out with Ayers.

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