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May 04, 2008



There's actually a 1 delegate swing at play here, because one of the Guam superdelegates has promised to vote for the winner of Guam's popular vote. With just seven votes separating the two, I would not be surprised to see this switch on a recount.

D. Cupples

Good Morning Adam!

It's a nice day here. Frankly, I'd taken a bit of a break from my feverish headline scanning, so I didn't know about that Guam's caucus.

How are you today?


I'm doing great, thanks for asking. Got outside for a while in the morning, just got back from dinner with my lovely in-laws.

I'm feeling good about politics today because the latest poll has both Dems killing McCain nationally. I know it doesn't mean much, but hey, it's nice.

D. Cupples


Yeah, the polls don't mean much this far out, and they're so schizophrenic, but you're right: every positive sign is nice (for a moment).

Obama Fan

This was a fantastic and historic win for Barack Obama and our country! I believe he will do a great deal to attempt to unite this country!

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