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May 29, 2008



It's good to see the floodgates finally opening on this story. When you combine this stuff with the pentagon propoganda programming, the net effect is incredibly damning. I'm not getting my hopes up, but really, heads SHOULD roll over this.

Deb Cupples


I agree that heads should roll -- over both the war and the hijacking of the Dems' race for the presidential nomination.


Please find and post on Rev or Priest Pflegers pulpit rant - Obama's old dear friend standing in the pulpit of of his and Obama's church Mocking Hillary for being White - Bill's Wife - in the worst kind of racist rant towards white people and Democrats who support Hillary you will ever see. Obama and his wife Michele are this kind of people too! They will never win in November. NOT after America gets a load of this video and I'm sending it out to thousands of people myself!

Deb Cupples


Personally, I'm just not interested in what Obama's preachers have said. I AM interested in Obama's having misled the public about why he stayed at the church so long.

Although, I think I know why: Wright headed one of the biggest churches in Chicago. Many politicians use churches are as devices for networking and getting votes.

Frankly, I think Obama is too worldly and self-serving to really care about religion one way or another -- though, I could be wrong.


Deb - You're right about Obama and his church. It isn't even a church if you look at the way it's used as a political tool. Watch the people in the video and the way they act laughing and waving their hands thoroughly enjoying the anti-Clinton hatred the Priest is preaching in full "I'm an over zealous actor" and just like you. The people that go there and the things they say the things they do represent Obama - People of like minds. Obama doesn't disagree with them. That is why it's important what they say and how they act gets out to the public at large from every venue. My Mother told me - "You'll be judged by the company you keep" And Obama is just like the company he keeps. It's just the tip of the iceberg. Pretending that Obama isn't a christain or cares isn't the point. The point is the people in that church hate people who are not just like them. Well they can hate me and I'll not reward them in any way in November.

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