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« Hillary Wins Kentucky -- BIG | Main | Obama Wins Oregon Primary; Hillary Gains Ground in Popular Vote »

May 21, 2008



This makes a lot of sense. The collusion of the oil cartel is a pretty blatant violation of the principles of the WTO, which most OPEC members (including Saudi Arabia) belong to. And a significant increase in supply WOULD actually lower prices.

That said, as I've argued before, gas prices are far too low in the US, which encourages urban sprawl, inefficient cars, and other wasteful habits. Right now most of the other richest nations in the world are paying over $8/gallon. I don't necessarily think we need to tax the price all the way to that level, but a price that reflects the real cost of oil consumption (in pollution, infrastructure maintenance, and tilting of foreign policy) would be higher than what we're paying now.


Pagan Power

What I find distressing is the fact that the House didn't make a single move to curb this nonsense until they realized citizens were starting to pay attention to the elections.

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