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May 01, 2008



"Automatic" delegates is another term for superdelegates.

These particular delegates are "add-on" delegates, which are extra superdelegates that get put in place at the state convention. Generally, whoever won the state controls the convention and will get to name most of the add-on delegates.

Today, Obama got 3 add-on delegates in Illinois and Clinton got 4 in New York. Maryland will be naming its two this weekend, probably Obama supporters. You get the pattern. It's likely that when all is said and done, Obama will come out 5-10 delegates ahead in add-ons, out of about 60.

So they're not exactly the same as the other superdelegates, although they are included in the superdelegate numbers that people talk about when they say that a certain number are supporting this or that candidate and/or how many have not committed.

Sparky Duck

I would throw out the Tele Research poll, since I am not sure how many people have even heard of it.

D. Cupples


I don't really trust polls. I do like to compare them, though.

I've never heard of TeleResearch, either. An Indiana TV station hired the outfit. Here's the article link:

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