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May 06, 2008



Very best list of WHY VOTE HILLARY. THANKS!

Please, Buck Naked Politics, can you find a way to help get this going today?

JOIN today's MAY 20 EMAIL PROTEST TO SUPER DELEGATES. Let's exercise our rights while we still have any democracy - Below this comment is an exclusive EMAIL ADDRESS LIST of Super Delegates

We all know the obama camp intended today as his coronation - at least that seems postponed (thanks to many like us) . However, he is still holding some big phony rally in DesMoines Iowa tonight (you know, the state where he won the first phony caucus) His intention is to detract attention from the Primary voters who are shown to support Hillary tonight - when the votes come in.

Last week, his antics to steal the thunder from WVa 70% HILL win was to put edwards on center MSM stage and send naral/prochoice group on national phone bank to brag they endorsed him. Smart naral state chapters received such a flood of email protests that the local chapters have distanced themselves from the national. Their national leader retorted that "women need to heal their broken hearts and get on with the business of politics". When asked reason for the endorsement (and its awkward timing) she said that organizations today need to focus on the 'under thirties' demographic.

There we go again - now it's throw everybody over 30 under the bus.

PLEASE SHOW HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT OBAMA by sending EMAIL protests to this list of Super Delegates today and tonight. Tell them in your own way, why they should Hillary Clinton, NOT obama. If you can, do this today, May 20. Let's steal his thunder for a change!

JOIN MAY 20 EMAIL PROTEST TO SUPER DELEGATES. Let's exercise our rights while we still have any democracy - Below this comment is an exclusive EMAIL ADDRESS LIST of Super Delegates

We all know the obama camp intended today as his coronation - at least that seems postponed (thanks to many like us) . However, he is still holding some big phony rally in DesMoines Iowa tonight (you know, the state where he won the first phony caucus) His intention is to detract attention from the Primary voters who are shown to support Hillary tonight - when the votes come in.

Last week, his antics to steal the thunder from WVa 70% HILL win was to put edwards on center MSM stage and send naral/prochoice group on national phone bank to brag they endorsed him. Smart naral state chapters received such a flood of email protests that the local chapters have distanced themselves from the national. Their national leader retorted that "women need to heal their broken hearts and get on with the business of politics". When asked reason for the endorsement (and its awkward timing) she said that organizations today need to focus on the 'under thirties' demographic.

There we go, thrown under the bus, again.

PLEASE SHOW HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT THIS by sending EMAIL protests to this list of Super Delegates today and tonight. Tell them in your own way, why they should Hillary Clinton, NOT obama. If you can, do this today, May 20. Let's steal his thunder for a change!

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