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May 03, 2008



It's certainly disappointing that Obama voted for that tax repeal in 2000. Granted, it was a 50-0-5 vote, so it's not as though his opposition would have accomplished much. Still, I'd be happier if he had pulled a Russ Feingold and been the lone voice of reason.

I agree he probably knew better at the time. That said, the Illinois experiment has been cited since then as a test case, which has shown that consumers at the pump only seem a percentage of the gas tax savings. Still, from a policy perspective this was an established bad idea in 2000.

D. Cupples


You know me: I get irritated over some of Obama's plays (i.e., the ones that make him look insincere or hypocritical).

And it would have been so easy for him on this particular proposal to just go along or add to Hill's proposal -- which would have protected him and other Dems (image wise, I mean).

It's not a real policy debate (in my mind), because it hasn't a hope in hell of passing.

Interestingly enough, I've heard some Hillary supporters say that she intends to somehow force the oil companies to pay a tax instead of passing it on to consumers.

I DON'T KNOW HOW that could happen, unless Hillary came out in favor of price controls, which I don't see her (or any candidate) doing at this point. It's just not politically feasible.

What do you think?

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