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« Who has Harmed the Democratic Party? | Main | Deadly Tornadoes in Midwest »

May 26, 2008



Let's see. The latest Gallup has Hillary over McCain nationally by five points---McCain over Obama by two points [and that's not counting the 'Bradley Effect" which has voters say they're for Obama even if they're not. So let's say McCain over Obama by five points.

And Quinnipiac has a poll last month where McCain/Condi thrashes Hill/BHO or BHO/Hill by FIVE POINTS in NY State!! McCain ignored it cuz he wants a politician who's run for office as VP.

Thank God for Repubs that the Dems have an inept fool, Dr. Dean the Scream Machine, in charge of the DNC. So far that moron has completely eliminated MI & FL [instead of halving their delegates as the Repubs did]. Does that stupid cretin think MI & FL will go Dem if Obama is the nominee? Dean is manna in the wilderness for the Repubs.....!

Hillary gets Reagan Dems, women, union members who hunt & go to church, independents....

Obama gets Hollyweirdos, academicides, MSM hacks & sluts, who did I leave out? Oh yeah, young people who don't vote & blacks who may turn out....

I don't think Hill's people will vote for The Anointed Messiah even if she's Number Two...

Johnny Mac deserves one term after what GWB did to him in SC in 2000....!


Let's see. The latest Gallup has Hillary over McCain nationally by five points---McCain over Obama by two points [and that's not counting the 'Bradley Effect" which has voters say they're for Obama even if they're not. So let's say McCain over Obama by five points.

And Quinnipiac has a poll last month where McCain/Condi thrashes Hill/BHO or BHO/Hill by FIVE POINTS in NY State!! McCain ignored it cuz he wants a politician who's run for office as VP.

Thank God for Repubs that the Dems have an inept fool, Dr. Dean the Scream Machine, in charge of the DNC. So far that moron has completely eliminated MI & FL [instead of halving their delegates as the Repubs did]. Does that stupid cretin think MI & FL will go Dem if Obama is the nominee? Dean is manna in the wilderness for the Repubs.....!

Hillary gets Reagan Dems, women, union members who hunt & go to church, independents....

Obama gets Hollyweirdos, academicides, MSM hacks & sluts, who did I leave out? Oh yeah, young people who don't vote & blacks who may turn out....

I don't think Hill's people will vote for The Anointed Messiah even if she's Number Two...

Johnny Mac deserves one term after what GWB did to him in SC in 2000....!

D. Cupples

Hi Dave,

Frankly, I suspect that whoever the next president is, it will last for one term, because the public is impatient for results and will likely not forgive any president for not making huge changes quickly.

I could be wrong.

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