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« Gallup Says Hillary Does Better than Obama Against McCain | Main | The Obama Campaign is Looking to Bill Clinton to Heal the Rift »

May 29, 2008



This is the first time I've read that the DNC asked the candidates to remove their names from the Michigan and Florida ballots.

Florida seems like a slam dunk; the ballots should be counted as is since the Florida democrats had nothing to do with changing the primary date.....but Michigan?

Dodd and Gravel kept their names on; Kucinich missed the deadline. I'm not going to vote for Obama (I have hundreds of other reasons why I think he shouldn't come within a mile of the presidential office; Clinton is still the most qualified, probably even over-qualified,candidate), but I would like to know if you can give Senator Clinton's rationale for saying 'no' to the DNC request?


I should add that I still believe the votes should be counted. 100%...voter's votes should always be counted...just curious about the Clinton reasons.....

Deb Cupples

Hi BJ,

I don't know what Hillary's rationale is. As I argued above, the DNC had appeals procedures; thus, there was always a chance that MI and FL might count.

That's why I don't think it was proper for the DNC to ask ANY candidate to remove his or her name from either state's ballot.

If the request is improper (as I think it was), then why should anyone grant it?


I'm not voting for Obama either, not under any circumstance. Hillary will win this nomination battle because Obama will be horrific as a general election democrat running against McCain. Disasterous that is what Obama will be.

Have you seen the news? Another friend of 20 years Obama's other Reverend friend - Mocking Senator Clinton? It's sickening and Obama and his wife are front and center a part of the problem not the solution.

Deb Cupples


Thanks for the tip. No, right now, I can't bring myself to watch it. A few days ago, I watched Olbermann repeatedly stab Hillary with a pitchfork, and I need a few more days to recover for my stomach to recover from that one.



Great! The so called "Party of the People" took us back to Jim Crow! The DNC are Scum and should suffer the MAXIMUM consequence! I'll never register as a Democrat a day again in my life...


Hi Left D,

As it happens, someone called me today from the Florida state Dem organization, which is connected to the DNC. I told the woman that I WILL NOT donate until the DNC gets new leadership, partly because of the DNC's handling of Michigan and Florida.

She said that she could take feedback, so I asked her to record the name Donna Braziel as a negative in my mind (and Karen Thurman as a positive).

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