by D. Cupples | We've covered here and here (and here) why retroactive immunity for Telecoms that knowingly broke laws while helping the Bush Adminsitration spy on Americans is a bad idea for us taxpayers and citizens. So far, Democrats in Congress have retarded the Administration's (and its corporate and congressional allies') push for Telecom Amnesty.
Reportedly, Sen. Jay Rockfeller has teamed up with fellow Democrat and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer to renew the fight for Telecom Amnesty. Firedoglake reports:
"According to the ACLU, there is rumor of a backroom deal being brokered by Jay Rockefeller on FISA that will include retroactive immunity. I've heard from several sources that Steny Hoyer is doing the dirty work on the House side, and some say it will be attached to the new supplemental.
"There doesn't seem to be any greater priority for this administration than to get Dick Cheney and the other criminals in the Bush administration retroactive immunity for themselves and their teleco cohorts on their way out the door. Much fear mongering, ads and robocalls in the districts of freshmen House Democrats...." (Firedoglake)
Apparently, former Senators Johnny Breaux and Trent Lott's lobbying firm (Breaux-Lott Leadership Group) -- which opened its doors in January -- is already active in the fight to promote Telecom Amnesty. The Campaign Legal Center reports:
"Breaux-Lott's top-paying clients during the first three months of the year include AT&T ($150,000 for help on FISA legislation); the Association of American Railroads ($150,000 for a tax cut on infrastructure investments); and the Plains Exploration and Production Company ($150,000 for work on offshore oil and gas issues)."
The last Keith Olbermann editorial that I actually enjoyed watching (back in January) reveals interesting background facts about Telecom Amnesty (please ignore Olbermann's dramatically emotional style and focus on the content).
Memeorandum has commentary.
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