by D. Cupples | During her interview with Fox's Bill O'Reilly, Sen. Hillary Clinton has done what I thought would be impossible: argued with O'Reilly and forced him to concede that "hard working American families" do deserve government help with health care. She also refuses to back down on closing the income gap and taxing the rich. The video clips are after the jump.
Warning: though Hillary tries to get past this non-issue, O'Reilly brings up the Rev. Wright and persists until Hillary makes a comment. She credits Obama with having spoken "forcefully" yesterday, and O'Reilly finally let her move on to other issues (including taking on OPEC and the oil companies).
First Clip: Oil and Health Care
Income Gap & Taxation
A recent Fox poll shows 48% of Democrats think Hillary has a better chance of beating McCain -- while 38% of Dems think Obama does. In March, Fox polls showed Dems thinking Obama had a better chance.
I'm always skeptical of polls, so I read the pdf that describes this particular poll. Some details are below:
"Polling was conducted by telephone April 28-29, 2008, in the evenings. The total sample is 900 registered voters nationwide with a margin of error of ±3 percentage points. Results are of registered voters, unless otherwise noted.
"LV = likely voters
"Democrats n=400, ±5 percentage points; Republicans n=270, ±6 percentage points. Obama supporters n=164, ±8 percentage points; Clinton supporters n=177, ±7" (pdf)
Make of it what you will. Thanks to No Quarter for putting up the video clips. Memeorandum has commentary: The Caucus, TalkLeft, Weekly Standard Blog, Stop The ACLU, Hot Air, The Strata-Sphere, The American Mind and Don Surber
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