Posted by Damozel | The question is plangently posed, and apparently with a straight face, by The Silicon Valley Insider.
Al Gore is speaking at the RSA security conference in San Francisco this afternoon. But good luck finding out what he says: Reporters are banned from the event.
We don't know what's more disheartening: The fact that the former veep is trying to keep a trade show talk private -- or that this isn't the first time he's been oddly press-shy.
When he was a guest lecturer at the Columbia University's journalism school in 2001, he tried imposed a gag order on his students, but eventually backed off. And in January 07, he banned the press from a speech he was giving in Sioux Falls, S.D.
And they sulkily want to know why. "Oddly press-shy," they call him. But why?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I know the answer! I know! Call on me! Me!
But a couple of commenters beat me to it. One wrote:
The Washington and NY press doesn't like Gore for a variety of reasons we can speculate about, but that's besides the point. The beltway press can't stand him. These very people treated him atrociously during the 2000 campaign, stenographing lies told by his opponents, even when they were easily debunkable, and not applying the same rules to these opponents.... Gore may be stuffy and pedantic (IMO), but he is very smart and doing crucial, important work on global warming. I think finally at this point in his life/career, he knows how to "work" the press. (John Carmelo)
James wrote:
Maybe Gore hates the press because they've been lying about him and belittling him for over a decade.
And Mek observed:
Well, we all hate the press, and Glen Greenwald will give you plenty of good reasons for doing so. But that aside, this article is totally false, another good reason to hate the press I suppose. The RSA conference is closed to the public, and Al Gore was invited to speak there. Reporters were not. That is not Al Gore "banning the press" from attendance, they were never invited.
Not allowing reporters to attend is very common practice for conferences which focus on privacy and security issues. These same reporters have a tendency to report legitimate security business as hacker claptrap. See the Defcon incident last year.
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