by D. Cupples | Apparently, African American radio commentator Tavis Smiley (a critic of Barack Obama) has gotten such negative responses from Obama-supporting listeners, that he is cutting his ties with the nationally syndicated Tom Joyner Morning Show. Today's Washington Post reports:
"Smiley has taken on Obama in a series of commentaries that began as the Democrat from Illinois emerged as the party's front-runner for the presidential nomination in early January. Days after Obama's win in the Iowa caucus, Smiley warned on Joyner's show:
'Don't fall so madly in love [with Obama] that you surrender your power to hold people accountable. . . . I'm not saying overlook Senator Obama, but you now better be ready to look him over.'
Those types of comments seemed to set listeners off and resulted in hate mail.
Smiley had been on the show for 11 years, and his resignation will be effective in June. He chalked up his leaving to fatigue and a desire to focus on other things, but --
"Joyner indicated otherwise on his program and in his blog yesterday, writing: "The real reason is that he can't take the hate he's been getting regarding the Barack issue -- hate from the black people that he loves so much." (Washington Post)
I've chatted with many Obama supporters who are reasonable and civil; they just happen to disagree with me on who should be president.
For other supporters, loving Obama certainly seems to inspire an awful lot of hatred. Fortunately, in a few months, all of this polarization will start fading into history.