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« The Daily Show Does Bitter-Gate | Main | In Sadr City, Iraqi Unit Deserts; Leaves American Troops Twisting in the Wind »

April 16, 2008



Thanks for referencing my previous response, and for considering me an internet friend. :)

I certainly prefer to see coverage of this, which is at least a real issue that deserves to be considered, than coverage of "bitter-gate".

Two very small things I'd add to my previous comment you linked to:

1) I don't think Obama has ever said he has "no ties" to lobbyists. He has said they are not supporting his campaign. That's the difference between lying and telling what you consider a half-truth.

2) I did a quick investigation of two big money bundlers for Obama who had oil industry ties, and found they both had extensive philanthropic interests that fit Democratic party values. One had established a $800 million dollar foundation (a sizable chunk of his net worth) and had given away tens of millions of dollars to projects in urban renewal and improving access to healthcare. I haven't seen any counter-examples where contributors are known as activists on behalf of their industries. So my belief that these contributors are giving money for the right reasons has some empirical backing.

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