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« Camille Paglia -- "Pumping and Pumping Her Narcissistic Bellows Like a Steam Engine" -- Holds Forth Some More About Hillary | Main | Market Musings »

April 10, 2008


J Klingler

Hey, Elton's just one of the girls. My wife and sister are Hillary fans just because she is a female......Neither has any idea whatsoever about the issues. Nor that there are any but the price of gas and Iraq. Nice thing is, if Obammy wins, neither of them will vote for him. There are a lot of people like that. I think it gives McCain a chance to be the biggest loser ever to sit in the WH.


You know your wife and sister better than I do, of course. I support Hillary precisely because I DO understand the issues. But if Obama wins the nomination I---and, I imagine, most Democrats, including Hillary---will support him. There will be plenty of time for the residual bitterness to subside and for Democrats to take a long hard look at McCain and what a McCain presidency would mean. I suspect that a great deal of the "I will NEVER vote for Obama" rhetoric is intended to (as it does) frighten the Obama's supporters in the media and elsewhere and the DNC into slightly less shameful treatment of Hillary.

I have faith that most Democrats will come around to recognize that we are better off with a president who is accountable to the Democratic party and to Democratic voters than a Republican one. I do agree that some of them might not.

And yes, I agree that McCain would be a disaster.

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