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April 10, 2008



You nailed it in the title. Paglia's "Pumping and Pumping Her Narcissistic Bellows Like a Steam Engine" line applies perfectly to Paglia herself. I don't have nearly the history with her that you do, but I really struggle to understand why I should think she matters.

I do agree with her, however, that fundamentally, Hillary is likely to lose the nomination because Obama ran a better campaign than she did. It doesn't take Paglia's ranting to figure that out, though.

Napoleon WAS a populist. How else can one describe the Napoleonic code, given what preceeded it?


Obama has not run a better campaign - he has put forth with the use of the internet a more negative and bitterly divisive campaign than the democratic party has seen in a long time - one that changes peoples politics alright and not in a way some people may hope for. What Obama has succeeded in doing is throwing Hillary - well both the Clintons under the bus and backing over them again and again while his supporters are inside cheering for the death of two very important leaders of the democratic party.

Obama may or may not win - I don't think we know who wins this one yet. I still think that Hillary takes it from the media corporate candidate because people will wake up to the cost of an nomination like his will be on this nation. Hillary is the candidate for all people. Obama is the one who has called the Clintons everything under the sun including racist. He loses for that tactic hands down.

I won't vote for him. I won't go that route again ever.


Danny, I generally ignore your comments, but this is absurd. Point me to one time that Obama called the Clintons racist.

And the Obama camp absolutely did run a better campaign. Obama built an enormous grassroots organization on the ground in every state, While Hillary basically looked past the primaries to the general and had very little organization in many states. Hillary changed her message and slogan many times, while Obama had one from the start and stuck with it. Obama had a plan that went through all fifty states, while Hillary's camp assumed they would more or less clinch on Super Tuesday.

Obama's positives (as oppose to Hillary's negatives) rose in almost every state as the primary or caucus approached. If Obama's success was merely due to negative campaigning, then this would not be the case. It was due to his astounding fundraising and his enormous grassroots organization allowing him to raise his visibility.

John Brown

Paglia isn't right, but you do yourselves no favor by pretending as if Taylor Marsh has a great deal of expertise about anything significant.

John Brown
Unofficial Taylor Marsh Biographer

John Brown

Paglia isn't right, but you do yourselves no favor by pretending as if Taylor Marsh has a great deal of expertise about anything significant.

John Brown
Unofficial Taylor Marsh Biographer


Marsh has as much expertise as any other close observer of human life, the American political system, and the Democratic party. She has as much claim to speak on these topics as, for example, you have to speak about her. As for me, I say what I think and leave it to other people to decide whether to let it in or leave it out.

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