by D. Cupples | A Zogby poll re: Ohio's Democratic primary (taken Feb 29-Mar 2) placed Barack Obama ahead of Hillary Clinton by 2 points. This caught my attention only because the other five polls I'd listed yesterday put Hillary ahead in Ohio by varying amounts:
Quinnipiac, Clinton +4.............PPP Clinton +9
SurveyUSA Clinton +10..........Ohio Poll Clinton +9
Rasmussen Clinton +6
Today, Zogby released a new poll (taken Mar 1-3) that seems more in line with the other five polls.
Zogby's new poll puts Clinton and Obama both at 44%, a net gain of 2 points for Clinton.
Zogby did a new poll for Texas, too: yesterday's Zogby poll had Obama ahead 47%-45%; today's poll (March 1-3) has Clinton ahead 47% - 44%, a net gain of 6 points for Clinton.
I don't know what to make of this. Could the folks at Zogby have done something different in terms of their sampling or number crunching?
In January, Zogby caught heat for being one of the pollsters that mis-predicted the results of New Hampshire's primary: Zogby's poll put Clinton 12 points behind in that state, but she ended up winning by 2 points.
Zogby's pre-California poll also failed to pan out: it placed Clinton 13 points behind, and she ended up winning by 9 points.
Given that the two polls closest to today's Ohio primary show different winners (albeit by a small margin), at least one of Zogby's polls will turn out to be right.
I hope that no one will be dissuaded from voting today based on polls (or pundits) indicating that their candidate either has it locked up or doesn't have a chance.
Memeorandum has other commentary: The Swamp,, Southern Political Report, Taegan Goddard's …, PoliBlog (TM), TalkLeft, MyDD, Hot Air, The Washington Independent, The Moderate Voice, Political Insider, PoliGazette, The Democratic Daily, Prairie Weather and Democratic Strategist
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