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« Note to my Fellow Dems: Lighten Up, or It will be Raining McCain (Illustrative Video Included) | Main | Is it 'Gall' or 'Clinton Entitlement' for HRC to Propose that Obama Take the VP Slot? »

March 22, 2008



It's youtubable:

The moment where (his speechwriters/Barack's speechwriters/speechwriting gremlins) instructed him to smile is at about 10:50 of that clip. As you read, he did *not* smile and turn there - he gives Obama a sideways glance and gestures in his direction.

That said, the speech overall was very warm and did have some humor. I thought he showed a more relaxed and personable style than he did when he was campaigning for himself. (File that under "praise, damnation by faint".)

D. Cupples


Yeah, Richardson wasn't very good on the campaign trail, which is a shame, because a lot of what he said made sense.

I don't have anything against him for endorsing Obama. It's his choice, as a super-delegate, to pick whomever he wants.

I can see why Bill and Hillary's personal feelings might be hurt, though, but that's NOT what this race is about.

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